Project Description & Co-benefits
In 2017, the University Sustainability Practices (USP) office at Arizona State University (ASU) piloted a new urban forestry program to explore the viability of generating carbon offsets through local tree planting projects.
The pilot utilized the Urban Forestry 2.0 protocol from Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative (DCOI). ASU partnered with the cities of Phoenix and Tempe to install trees in parks and community gardens. Urban Offsets (UO), a privately held company from North Carolina, manages the data and will eventually certify the offsets generated by this pilot. The initial project period planted 359 trees at 15 sites, which are expected to sequester around 1,200 metric tons of carbon dioxide equivalent by the time that the project reaches full maturity.
The pilot implementation included three major components:
Improving urban tree canopy by planting 350 trees through partnerships with municipalities and volunteer events;
Catalyzing a local carbon offsets industry by hosting technical trainings and mobilizing municipalities;
Educating youth by developing and piloting curriculum around urban forestry and carbon cycle.
Creates opportunities to collaborate with community members
Increases shade and erosion control
Increases urban wildlife habitat
project co–benefits
Student Involvement
Students and the greater community engaged with the new program by participating in volunteer planting events, attending technical trainings and a panel discussion, and conducting inventory data collection on the planted trees.
Project Organizer
Corey Hawkey, Assistant Director, ASU University Sustainability Practices
The project is near completion; it was started February 2017 and is expected to conclude by the end of 2018. The pilot program will proceed with additional future tree plantings and research on the urban heat mitigation impacts of ASU’s trees.
Project Status
Urban Offsets
Offset Registry or Program
Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative Urban Forestry V2.0
Cost Per Offsets ($ Per MTCO2E)
666 offsets for ASU
666 offsets for Duke
Total: 1332 offsets