Delta Air Lines and Duke University’s Urban Forestry Partnership

Project Description & Co-benefits

The purpose of this project is to sequester atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) through afforestation at local city streets in Durham, NC. The project was developed by Urban Offsets, Inc., a Delaware corporation with a place of business in Greensboro, NC. This project is to serve as a pilot program and will help establish a viable business model utilizing the Duke Carbon Offset Initiative protocol standards. For this project, Urban Offsets established relationships with a Durham non profit, Keep Durham Beautiful, and the City of Durham. Through these relationships Urban Offsets organized the logistics of purchasing, planting and maintaining urban trees on seperate community locations. The CO2 sequestered through this project will be estimated using growth models for trees, shrubs and other carbon sinks outlined by the Duke Carbon Offset Initiative Urban Forestry Protocol and applied to offset the carbon footprint of buyers as of December 2016. Additionally, the project will help identify and quantify the environmental co-benefits of the project trees, and improve forest management practices for the City of Durham. Urban Offsets and Keep Durham Beautiful also intend on allowing both companies who bought offsets access to the inventory data which will create a living laboratory for both the company and the school. This project will be one of the first projects for Urban Offsets showcasing the partnership with Duke Carbon Offset Initiative and the use of their urban forestry protocol. Afterward this will also serve as one of the first projects for Urban Offsets that will be peer validated facilitated by the Offset Network, an establish an innovative carbon offsetting program.

  • Creates opportunities to collaborate with community members

  • Increases shade and erosion control

  • Increases urban wildlife habitat

Project co–benefits

Student Involvement

Students have the opportunity to get involved in educational workshops or outreach programs. Students may also volunteer at community tree planting events.

Project Organizer

Matthew Arsenault, Program Manager, Duke Carbon Offsets Initiative, 919-613-7466

Active (2017–Present)

Project Status

Offset Network Peer Verification

Offset Registry or Program

Duke Carbon Offset Initiative Urban Forestry Protocol V2.0


Elon University

Verified by


Cost Per Offsets ($ Per MTCO2E)

No verified offsets yet.

Number of Total Offsets


Project Documents